Give yourself an unforgettable vacation, staying in one of the best resorts of Issyk-Kul in Talisman Village

About hotel

The hotel “Talisman Village” was built in a place with a stunning view: blue lake Issyk-Kul on one side, beautiful mountain peaks covered with snow on the other. Contemplation of beauty brings not only tranquility and relaxation, but also prolongs life. The waters of Issyk-Kul are rich in salts and minerals that have a healing effect on the and whole body. In addition, professional massage therapists of the Hotel “Talisman Village” will help you get rest, and experienced staff will create an atmosphere of comfort and convenience.

Price List

The price list for the services of the hotel “Talisman – Village” for 2019. We offer you 26 double rooms and 3 three-room four-bed rooms. There is a children’s playground, free parking.

Prices​ include all taxes


The pension is located in the Issyk-Kul region, the village of Bosteri

Посмотреть на карте Бишкека

Kyrgyz Republic, Issyk – Kul region, village Bosteri.

Representative office in Bishkek:

st. Shopokova 93/2 7 floor 702 room